Article about recent California wildfires
Hans Chen has been interviewed by Källkritikbyrån about the recent wildfires in California and the links to climate change and increasing “hydroclimate whiplash”:
Recent paper on volcanic eruptions and wind energy featured on the cover of The Innovation
A recent paper co-authored by Hans Chen is featured on the cover of the relatively new open-access journal The Innovation. The paper, led by Cheng Shen, investigates the effect of strong tropical volcanic eruptions on near-surface wind speed globally.
- Cheng et al. (2025): A robust reduction in near-surface wind speed after volcanic eruptions: Implications for wind energy generation.
Update 2025-02-06: The Guardian has reported on the study:
Welcome Hari to the group!
Hari Nair recently joined our group as a postdoc. Hari will primarily work on a project exploring the changing carbon cycle dynamics in the Arctic climate system, financed by the Hasselblad Foundation.
Wrapping up 2024 with new papers
Happy 2025! We close out 2024 on a high note with some new exciting research:
Machine learning and aerosols:
- Yan et al. (2024): Deep learning with pretrained framework unleashes the power of satellite-based global fine-mode aerosol retrieval.
- Yan et al. (2024): Substantial underestimation of fine-mode aerosol loading from wildfires and its radiative effects in current satellite-based retrievals over the United States.
Carbon cycle and ecosystem dynamics:
- Xu et al. (2024): Global patterns and drivers of post-fire vegetation productivity recovery.
- Li et al. (2024): Increasing sensitivity of tree radial growth to precipitation.
Presentation at Stora Hållbarhetsdagen Göteborg
Hans Chen will give the opening talk at Stora Hållbarhetsdagen Göteborg (“The Big Sustainability Day Gothenburg”) about the current climate situation. The event is arranged by Fastighetssverige.
Date: 21 November 2024
Location: Clarion Hotel Draken
More information: https://fastighetssverige.se/stora_hallbarhetsdagen_goteborg -
New paper investigating the effects of vegetation physiological response on climate zone shifts
We have recently published a paper that investigates how global Köppen–Geiger climate zones are projected to shift under 4×CO2, with a special focus on the effect of vegetation physiological changes, which have been largely neglected so far. You can find the paper in Science of The Total Environment:
- He et al. (2024): Vegetation increases global climate vulnerability risk by shifting climate zones in response to rising atmospheric CO2.
Increased land precipitation due to enhanced evaporation from the Arctic: new paper in npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
Our new paper investigates how the enhanced evaporation due to sea-ice retreat in the Arctic has contributed to cold season land precipitation over the Northern Hemisphere during 1980–2021. Moisture tracking suggests that additional evaporation from the Arctic marginal seas has contributed to a 32% increase in land precipitation, corresponding to a 16% increase per million square km sea-ice area loss. More information here:
- Liu et al. (2024): The disproportionate impact of enhanced evaporation from melting arctic sea ice on cold-season land precipitation trends.
Swedish Climate Symposium 2024
The Climate Dynamics Group at Chalmers University of Technology is attending the Swedish Climate Symposium 2024 in Norrköping, 14-16 May.
The following members are attending:
- Ziqian Zhong (talk, Land Use and Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Climate System)
- Erik Holmgren (poster, Poster session 1)
- Hans Chen (poster, Poster session 2)
Come and talk with us if you’re in the area!
Ziqian’s research featured in the media
Following our press release, the recent study led by Ziqian Zhong has been featured in several media outlets in Sweden and abroad:
- Forskning och Framsteg: Skillnaden ökar mellan dag och natt – påverkar allt liv på jorden
- Forskning.se: Temperaturskillnaderna mellan dag och natt ökar
- Aftonbladet: Molnen blir färre – temperaturen ökar dagtid
- Earth.com: Asymmetric warming between day and night impacts all life on Earth
Press release about increased temperature difference between day and night
We have together with Chalmers’ communication officers published a press release about Ziqian Zhong‘s latest publication. Read more here:
- Increased temperature difference between day and night can affect all life on earth (English)
- Ökad temperaturskillnad mellan dag och natt kan påverka allt liv på jorden (Swedish)
Original publication: Zhong et al. (2023).